We are not alone!

Welcome to the Mehameha project, a research project with the goal of determining the effectiveness of using online communications in reducing the impact of social isolation.

Mehameha is a Hawaiian term roughly translating to solitary or lonely. If you are living in solitude or are just feeling alone you may be a good candidate for our project. Read below for more information and to see if you might be interested in participating.

The Program

This program is part of a research study with a goal of determining the effectiveness of video chats in improving the effects that a lack of social connection may have. For this study, we are looking for participants who are able to converse in English, are between 18 and 30 years of age or 60 and over, and are willing to commit to weekly video chats over approximately a four week period.

The Process

Are you interested?

Please feel free to Contact Us with any questions or comments.